Our Story
Our Mission
Conversazione is a non-profit art organization based in New York and Beijing, with focus on architecture, urbanism, films and media technology, theater and performance. Through forums, screenings, experimental theater, exhibition and publication, we aim at fostering discussion and research on contemporary spatial and cultural phenomenons. With practices in different axis, we hope to build a research-based community and discover ways to initiate changes in practice.
Conversazione是一个基于纽约/北京两地的非营利艺术组织,关注建筑、城市、影像、剧场及表演之间的问题,通过 论坛、放映、实验戏剧、展览、研究及媒体出版推动关于当代空间/艺术及文化现象的讨论。我们希望通过不断提问、深入调研、促进不同层面的对话,构建研究型社群,并在实践中发现变革的可能。
Conversazione was established in 2015 as a center for critical discourse and community for young Chinese artists. We carry out its mission through four core programs.
Our seasonal program focuses on different themes every three months and is curated as series panels, screenings and workshops. It is supported by a research group with interests in urbanism and documentary, media technology and spatial-politics, individual narratives within globalization, body politics and theater, interactive technology and publicity.
Our interview series spotlights mid-career and established Chinese artists, scholars and founders of critical cultural institutions. This series aims at presenting the challenges and questions in contemporary China in a global context. Past projects includes an interview-based research on Alternative Art Space and Social Engagement in China.
Our exhibition practices ranges from research-based exhibition, theater-based exhibition to participatory art. Past projects include "Matrix From Womb" experimental theater workshop, performance and exhibition in Beijing Dragon Gate Museum, and "Carnival 2020" (artist Wu ZiYang) in Unnamed Gallery in New York. Upcoming exhibition includes "QiWu: Natural Footprints in Geospatial Vicissitude" in Beijing OCAT.
Our mentorship program provides emerging Chinese artists with resources to develop a successful career. We periodically organize community gathering and sharing events to foster the exchange between young fellow artists.
季度单元通过论坛及放映的形式每三个月关注一个不同的主题。其下的研究小组关注 城市及纪录片、媒体技术和空间政治、全球化下的个体叙事、剧场与身体政治、互动技术及公共参与。过往单元包括“纪录片下的城市更新”(2020春季),“如有真实,纯属虚构”(2020夏季)等。
采访系列关注职业生涯中期及成熟的艺术家、学者和文化机构的负责人,本系列旨在呈现全球背景下当代中国所面临的问题及挑战。过往项目包括 中国独立艺术空间及社区参与 的调研-采访。
策展实践包括 研究型展览、剧场式展览、沉浸式环境及参与式艺术。过往项目包括“从矩阵到子宫”实验戏剧(北京龙门美术馆,2017),“狂欢2020”剧场式社会实践(艺术家:武子扬;纽约Unnamed Gallery,2017)。近期展览 “齐物生息:重塑自然环境对地缘空间与权力的调整”入围OCAT研究型策展计划。
Our Work
Exhibition | Vibrating Clouds
Spring Season | Southern Cyber Phantom: Localized Cyber
Projects and Technological Future in The Global South
Winter Season | Life, Ecology and Geopolitics
Summer Season | Any Resemblance to Actual Event is Entirely Fictitious
Spring Season | Urban Reform
Panel Talks, Film Curation & Screenings
Social Practice | Carnival 2020
Devised Theater | Matrix Comes from the Womb
Experimental Theater Workshop | Contact Improvisation