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Documentary : An Attempt at Renaming


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Documentary : An Attempt at Renaming
Documentary : An Attempt at Renaming

Time & Location

2020年7月19日 09:00 – 11:30

Zoom Meeting

About the Event


Moderator: HanWen Zhang

线上放映|Online Screening 

✧ 田园将芜 Around That Winter

导演:王晓振 | Dir. XiaoZhen Wang

✧ 女导演 Female Directors

导演:杨明明 | Dir. MingMing Yang

Screening Time|放映时间 

放映时间:7月17日9:00AM 至 7月20日9:00AM

July 17th 9 am -  July 20th 9 am(NY Eastern Time)


专题概述 Summary

自电影诞生之日起,如神启般,先驱者们就已为这套系统埋好了两条线索:一边矗立着卢米埃尔兄弟工厂的大门,通向名为纪录片的世界;另一边则备好了梅里埃的大炮,把我们发射到斑斓的剧情片宇宙。在其接下来百余年的历史中,这两条线索引导后继者们建立起一套庞大且精致的类型系统,横亘在虚构与非虚构架构的光谱之上。沿着电影史的河流而下,一些创作者偷偷开辟出了游走于“非虚构”与“虚构”之间的支流。他们是探险者、搅局者、或被放逐者。他们有不同的出发地点:电影学院、制片厂、田野、生活,并交错抵达不同的终点:纪录剧情片 (Docudrama / Dramadoc} 、伪纪录片 (Mockumentary /  Psudeo-documentary)、纪实虚构电影 (Docufiction) 等等。

༄《田园将芜》| 王晓振

Around That Winter | Dir.Wang Xiao Zhen

✦ Synopsis |剧情梗概

大约在冬季,周青随王晓振来到翟家庄村见父母,他们遇到了满嘴脏话的男孩永顺,遇到了一脸困惑 的女童子歌,遇到了健忘的老人奶奶,遇到了无所事事的青年小胡,他们似乎不知道要做什么。但他们都自得其乐。而周青和王晓振一直在等待迟迟不来的父母,除  此之外他们觉着做什么都没意思。

Qing Zhou and Xiaozhen Wang came to Huojiacun to visit Wang’s parents at the end of winter. They met the foul-mouthed boy Yongshun, the confused girl Zige, the forgetful old lady Grandma, and also Xiaohu, who knew nothing but hanging out. All of them enjoyed their lives purely without any targets. Meanwhile, Wang and Zhou felt nothing interested while waiting for the parents, who never showed their faces.

༄《女导演》| 杨明明

Female Directors, Dir. Yang MingMing

✦ Synopsis |剧情梗概


Ah-Ming and Yueyue are two out-of-work film school grads living in Beijing who decide to turn the camera on each other and make a film about their lives. While it purports to be the true story of two women filming themselves, Female Directors constantly reminds us of the process that has gone into making it. It is a genre-bending, self-aware piece of experimental filmmaking.

▶嘉宾邀请 | Guest Speaker



Born in 1989 in ZhaiJiaZhuang Village, Linqu, Shandong Province. Currently lives and works in Beijing. He runs a small advertising company with his friend Li Yang. He has made several low-cost movies. Although the production is rough but sincere, the calligraphy is not good and cannot sell money. Time may also be spent making movies and writing, like playing basketball.

题引人简介 | Moderator Bio


张瀚文是一名影像艺术家和研究者,现生活工作于纽约。他本科毕业于清华大学,2019  年于纽约视觉艺术学院获得摄影方向艺术硕士学位。他的电影《中国第一线》现已可以在 BBC 首届线上电影节 LongShots 上观看。


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    嘉宾对话 Online Panel 座谈时间 | Time: July 19th 9:30AM (New York Time, US) 北京时间 7月19日 9:30PM (Beijing Time, China) ZOOM Conference Meeting ID: 899 862 3159 One tap mobile +16465588656,,8998623159# US (New York)




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